Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 22, Text 25

SB 10.22.25

sankalpo viditah sadhvyo
 bhavatinam mad-arcanam
mayanumoditah so ’sau
 satyo bhavitum arhati
[Lord Krsna said:] O saintly girls, I understand that your real motive in this austerity has been to worship Me. That intent of yours is approved of by Me, and indeed it must come to pass.
Just as Krsna is free of all impure desire, so are the gopis. Their attempt to gain Krsna as their husband was therefore motivated not by a desire for personal sense gratification but by their overwhelming desire to serve Krsna and to please Him. Because of their intense love, the gopis did not see Krsna as God but rather as the most wonderful boy in all creation, and being beautiful young girls, they desired only to please Him by loving service. Lord Krsna understood the pure desire of the gopis and was thus satisfied. The Lord could certainly not be satisfied by ordinary lust, but He was moved by the intense loving devotion of the cowherd girls of Vrndavana.
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 22, Text 24
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10, Chapter 22, Text 26