Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 03, Chapter 15, Text 42

SB 3.15.42

atropasrstam iti cotsmitam indirayah
 svanam dhiya viracitam bahu-sausthavadhyam
mahyam bhavasya bhavatam ca bhajantam angam
 nemur niriksya na vitrpta-drso muda kaih
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada: 
The exquisite beauty of Narayana, being many times magnified by the intelligence of His devotees, was so attractive that it defeated the pride of the goddess of fortune in being the most beautiful. My dear demigods, the Lord who thus manifested Himself is worshipable by me, by Lord Siva and by all of you. The sages regarded Him with unsated eyes and joyously bowed their heads at His lotus feet.
Purport by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada: 
The beauty of the Lord was so enchanting that it could not be sufficiently described. The goddess of fortune is supposed to be the most beautiful sight within the spiritual and material creations of the Lord; she has a sense of being the most beautiful, yet her beauty was defeated when the Lord appeared. In other words, the beauty of the goddess of fortune is secondary in the presence of the Lord. In the words of Vaisnava poets, it is said that the Lord’s beauty is so enchanting that it defeats hundreds of thousands of Cupids. He is therefore called Madana-mohana. It is also described that the Lord sometimes becomes mad after the beauty of Radharani. Poets describe that under those circumstances, although Lord Krsna is Madana-mohana, He becomes Madana-daha, or enchanted by the beauty of Radharani. Actually the Lord’s beauty is superexcellent, surpassing even the beauty of Laksmi in Vaikuntha. The devotees of the Lord in the Vaikuntha planets want to see the Lord as the most beautiful, but the devotees in Gokula or Krsnaloka want to see Radharani as more beautiful than Krsna. The adjustment is that the Lord, being bhakta-vatsala, or one who wants to please His devotees, assumes such features so that devotees like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and other demigods may be pleased. Here also, for the devotee-sages, the Kumaras, the Lord appeared in His most beautiful feature, and they continued to see Him without satiation and wanted to continue seeing Him more and more.
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 03, Chapter 15, Text 41
Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 03, Chapter 15, Text 43