SB 03 03 04-09 - Romapada Swami - Chicago Palatine 2010-04-11.mp3 | 15.9 MB | SB 03 03 04 - Vedavyasa Priya Swami - Vrindavan 2008-12-27.mp3 | 25.5 MB |
SB 3.3.4
kakudmino ’viddha-naso damitva
svayamvare nagnajitim uvaha
tad-bhagnamanan api grdhyato ’jñañ
jaghne ’ksatah sastra-bhrtah sva-sastraih
Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
By subduing seven bulls whose noses were not pierced, the Lord achieved the hand of Princess Nagnijiti in the open competition to select her bridegroom. Although the Lord was victorious, His competitors asked the hand of the princess, and thus there was a fight. Well equipped with weapons, the Lord killed or wounded all of them, but He Himself was not hurt.